Sunday, June 17, 2007

News::Child Orders Apple Juice, Is Served Margarita

News::Child Orders Apple Juice, Is Served Margarita: "The two-year-old was supposed to get apple juice to wash down his food at an Applebee's. Instead he was served a margarita. The child grew drowsy and started throwing up a few hours after drinking the cocktail.

Applebee's says it keeps the apple juice and margarita mix in identical plastic bottles -- leading to the mistake.

The child's mother says she 'wasn't going to make a big deal about it' until the child had to be rushed to the hospital. ACT Policing are testing the contents of the drink a popular sparkling apple juice to determine whether it contained a caustic substance.

They are also investigating the circumstances of the incident.
The toddler is fine now, and the company plans to reimburse the family's medical expenses."

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